transmission towers for electricityThe Maryland Public Service Commission’s Public Conference 44 proceeding is now well underway. The purpose of this proceeding is for the Commission to seek input on the best ways to transform Maryland’s electric distribution system, advancing customer-centered, affordable, reliable, and environmentally-sustainable electric service. Stakeholder workgroups are meeting to develop proposals for the Commissions six different topic areas:

  1. Rate Design;
  2. Electric Vehicles;
  3. Competitive Markets and Customer Choice;
  4. Interconnection Process;
  5. Energy Storage; and
  6. Distribution System Planning.

We are working with retail energy clients and industry stakeholders to help develop time-of-use pilot programs, competitive retail energy options for electric vehicle owners, and utilize the more sophisticated meter data available through recently deployed smart meters. In the next few months, stakeholders will also begin meeting to develop proposals for enhancements to Maryland’s competitive retail energy markets.

We are excited to see where this proceeding will go and what new opportunities for Maryland businesses and energy consumers will result. If you are interested in learning more about Maryland’s PC44 proceeding or other developments in Maryland’s energy industry, please contact one of GreeneHurlocker’s energy and regulatory attorneys for more information.


Eric Wallace
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